delegates :) ?

i was working on a project few days ago ,  and i was making a recurrence control , and i found that i need to make a certain logic , and within it i need to call a function that knows the recurrence type and get the set of days the appointment will occur on …

in brief , i need to call a function that takes a parameter of type A , and returns type B without dynamically without knowing the function will be called …

Here is an easy example for how to use delegates ;

for example , we need to make a calculator so we need to make the Add , Multiply , Division , Subtraction

and we need to the function to be called dynamically regarding to which operation is selected..

//here we are defining a delegate , the same

Way as declaring functions , but here we don’t implement it

Just a header , with the parameters and the return type…

private delegate double arithmeticOperation();

// we create an instance of this delegate …

arithmeticOperation aOperationDelegate;

//on the submit buttin click we will see what is the operation

I am going to make then makes the delegate object equal to the function
we will need to call later in the code…

The delegate when creating the new instance from it , it takes only the

Name of the function you will need to call…

private void btnEqualSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


string operation = txtOperation.Text;

switch (operation)


case “+”:

aOperationDelegate = new arithmeticOperation(AdditionFunction);


case “-“:

aOperationDelegate = new arithmeticOperation(SubtractionFunction);


case “*”:

aOperationDelegate = new arithmeticOperation(MultiplicationFunction);


case “/”:

aOperationDelegate = new arithmeticOperation(DivisionFunction);



if (aOperationDelegate != null)


//it will invoke the function it have been assigned to it J




//these are the functions that must be of the same return type and parameters of the delegate we have declared up…

private double AdditionFunction()


return double.Parse(txtNum1.Text) + double.Parse(txtNum2.Text);


private double SubtractionFunction()


return double.Parse(txtNum1.Text) – double.Parse(txtNum2.Text);


private double MultiplicationFunction()


return double.Parse(txtNum1.Text) * double.Parse(txtNum2.Text);


private double DivisionFunction()


return double.Parse(txtNum1.Text) / double.Parse(txtNum2.Text);
